Do you want to know about nail shapes? In this post, we”ll discuss about the different types of nail shapes. If you want to know what nail shapes will suit on you then you clicked on the right post.

Hello Readers, Thanks for clicking in. You are most welcome to our website. I hope this post will help you to know about nail shapes. You will get a complete answer of your question. Firstly we”ll discuss what is nail and different types of nail shapes.
Different Types of Nail Shapes –
All girls love long nails and want to give a different shape to their nails. I provided different shapes for your nails, that you can easily make and give a new look to your nail.
1. Round Nails –
Round nails shape is best for those who have short or chubby fingers. It is the best choice for those who don’t have much time to take care of nails.
It is very easy to maintain long round shaped nails. If you are thinking to apply nail paint first time then it will be quite easy to apply. This shape follows the natural contour of your fingertips and helps to make them look longer.

2. Square Shaped Nails –
It is trimmed perpendicular to the side wall of the finger. This square-shaped nail is best for those who have thin hand, long and slim fingers.
If you can give time to take care of your nails then you should try this nail shaped on your slim finger. This shape makes your nail stronger then they will not break easily. If you want to show your nails shorter and wider then this square nail shaped is best for you. You can smoothly apply nail paint on this nail shape.

3. Oval Shaped Nails –
This shaped looks pretty who has long nails. All girls who have long nails they mostly prefereed oval-shaped nails.
This shape makes your finger more flatter as the curved edge. It is the best nail shaped for all occassion because this shape never goes out of style. It helps to keep your nail strong. All long as well as short nail girls can try this short oval nails shaped.

4. Flare Shaped nails –
This shaped also called duckbill shaped nails because of its wide flare. The shape of the nail flares upward and downward at the tip of the nail. This shaped doesn’t look so good. But some girls like to wear this shaped and can easily apply nailpaint on flare shaped nails.

5. Squoval Nails –
Squoval nail shaped is best for your daily routine. If you hate sharp corner nails then this squoval shaped is the best option for you.

6. Almond Nails –
Most of the girls like this almond nail shape. This shape gives new attractive look to your nails. It helps to show your hand more beautiful. If you also want to apply this shape then you have to give more care to your nails.

7. Ballerina Nails –
Ballerina nail shape is also as coffin shaped nails. It is perfect nail shaped for long nails but before giving this type of shape to your nail you should check your nail should be strong.
8. Stiletto Nail Shaped –
This stiletto nails shaped is very sharp like a tringle pin. This is the best nail shaped who are in the entertainment industry. If you want to make this type of shape then be careful. You can also design at the top corner of the nail with the nail art that makes your nail so attractive.

9. Mountain peak nails –
This mountain peak nail shaped is looking like a stiletto shaped, only shorter and more pointy than the former. This is the perfect choice for giving your nail a new look.

10. Arrowhead Nail Shaped –
Arrowhead nails shape is looking like a triangle shape. This shape is also looking like a stiletto nail shaped. You should not make this type of shape in your daily routine because sometimes your nails can harm you and others.

11. Edge Nails –
This edge shaped nail resembles the arrow-shaped nails. The edge shaped nails form a point, but the point looks less aggressive than the stiletto and mountain peak nail shape.

12. Lipstick Nail Shaped –
This nail style slants diagonally for a unique nail shape. Lipstick comes in this shape that’s why it’s called lipstick nail shaped.

13. Natural Nail Shaped –
This is the perfect shape for all who have no time to give the shape of their nail. This natural nail shaped is best for short nail. You don’t have need to spend your time to make this type of shape.

14. Swirled lipstick Shaped –
It is very difficult to make this type of shape. This type of shape can harm you and others. So if possible don’t make this type of shape.

How To take care of nails.
1. Stop Beating your nail:
To look your nail more beautiful first of all you should stop Beating your nails because it causes a lot of damage and your nail look ugly. So you should avoid the beating of your nails.
2. Keep your nails clean:
If you keep your nail around area clean, it helps to prevent you from gems and nail looks beautiful.
3. Use moisturizer:
Nails are very dely and break off easily to make them strong and healthy you should provide moisturizer to your nails.
4. Trimming Nails:
Long nails look very beautiful but when they get rough you should trim your nails.
5. Files the nail:
After trimming gave proper shape to your nails with the help of filer.
The good shape helps to look more beautiful your nails.
6. Apply a base coat on nails:
Before applying actual nail polish on your nail you should apply a base coat on your nail. Base coat provide shines to your nails.
7. Apply actual nail paint:
Nail paint provides a more beautiful look to your nail after applying a base coat on your nail use a different colors of nail paint that you want.
There are different ideas to give your nails unique shapes. You can make any type of shape of your nail according to your choices that suits on you.
I hope you will like all the information that is provided by me in this post.
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