Want to apply a different mehndi design for Karva Chauth? Then I provide here some best and latest mehndi design for Karva Chauth in 2022. If you want to put on new trendy mehndi designs on your hand then this post is for you. You can trust me this post won’t disappoint you.

Hello Readers, Thanks for clicking in. You are most welcome to our website. If you are looking for stylish mehndi designs for Karva Chauth then you should read this full post. I hope this post will help you to know about the new mehndi design for Karva Chauth in 2022. You will get a complete answer of your question. Firstly we’’ ll discuss the meaning of mehndi.
What is Mehndi?
Mehndi is an Indian art of applying designs of temporary tattoos, especially on any occasion or in marriage in India.
It is an art in which unique and simple mehndi designs are applied to the person’s hand.
Mehndi is made up of dry leaves of the henna plant. The leaves of the henna plant are dried in sun and then dried leaves are roasted after that a paste is made.
Then paste is applied to the person’s hand in the form of beautiful design. Mehndi is also called henna.
What is Karva Chauth? (करवा चौथ क्या है?)
करवा चौथ व्रत को करक चतुर्दशी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. इस वर्ष करवा चौथ का त्योहार 13 अक्तूबर 2022 को मनाया जाएगा. करवा चौथ का व्रत अपने पति के स्वास्थय और दीर्घायु के लिये किया जाने वाला व्रत है.उत्तरी भारत में यह व्रत आज श्रद्धा व विश्वास की सीमाओं से आगे निकलकर, नये रंग में रंग गया है. करवा चौथ आज अपने प्रेमी, होने वाले पति और जीवन साथी के प्रति स्नेह व्यक्त करने का प्रर्याय बन गया है. करवा चौथ के व्रत ने बाजारीकरण को कितना लाभ पहुंचाया है, यह तो स्पष्ट है, परन्तु यह व्रत वैवाहिक जीवन को सफल और खुशहाल बनाये रखने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहा है. क्योकि करवा़चौथ अब केवल लोक परम्परा न रहकर, भावनाओं के आदान-प्रदान का पर्व बन गया है.
Mythological Relevance of Karva Chauth ( करवा चौथ का पौराणिक महत्व )
करवा चौथ पर्व का पौराणिक महत्व धर्म ग्रंथों में प्रतीत होता है. महाभारत से संबंधित कथानुसा अपने वनवास काल के दौरान अर्जुन तपस्या करने नीलगिरी पर्वत पर चले जाते हैं तथा दूसरी ओर पांडवों पर कई संकट आन पड़ते हैं यह सब देख द्रौपदी चिंता में पड़ जाती है और वह भगवान श्री श्रीकृष्ण से इन समस्याओं से मुक्ति पाने का उपाय जानने की प्रार्थना करती है. उनकी विनय सुन कृष्ण द्रौपदी से कहते हैं कि यदि वह कार्तिक कृष्ण चतुर्थी के दिन करवा चौथ का व्रत रहे तो उन्हें अपने संकटों से मुक्ति मिल सकती है. कृष्ण के कथन अनुसार द्रौपदी ने पूर्ण निष्ठा भव के सतह करवा चौथ का व्रत किया. व्रत के फल स्वरुप पांडवों को पने कष्टों से मुक्ति प्राप्त होती है. अटूट बंधन व सौभाग्य का प्रतीक करवाचौथ व्रत आज के संदर्भ में भी उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है जितना की प्राचीन काल में रहा.
Sargi (सरगी )
करवा चौथ में सरगी का काफी महत्व है. सरगी सास की तरफ से अपनी बहू को दी जाती है. इसका सेवन महिलाएं करवाचौथ के दिन सूर्य निकलने से पहले तारों की छांव में करती हैं. सरगी के रूप में सास अपनी बहू को विभिन्न खाद्य पदार्थ एवं वस्त्र इत्यादि देती हैं. सरगी, सौभाग्य और समृद्धि का रूप होती है. सरगी के रूप में खाने की वस्तुओं को जैसे फल, मीठाई आदि को व्रती महिलाएं व्रत वाले दिन सूर्योदय से पूर्व प्रात: काल में तारों की छांव में ग्रहण करती हैं. तत्पश्चात व्रत आरंभ होता है. अपने व्रत को पूर्ण करती हैं.
Karwa Chauth Vrat Pujan Vidhi ( करवा चौथ व्रत पूजन विधि)
व्रत के दिन प्रातः स्नानादि करने के पश्चात यह संकल्प करके करवा चौथ व्रत का आरंभ करना चाहिए. गेरू और पिसे चावलों के घोल से करवा चित्रित बनाया जाता है. पीली मिट्टी से माँ गौरी और उनकी गोद में गणेशजी को चित्रित किया जाता है. गौरी मां की मूर्ति के साथ शिव भगवान व गणेशजी की को लकड़ी के आसन पर बिठाते हैं. माँ गौरी को चुनरी बिंदी आदि सुहाग सामग्री से सजाया जाता है. जल से भरा हुआ लोटा रखा जाता है. रोली से करवा पर स्वस्तिक बनाते हैं. गौरी-गणेश जी की श्रद्धा अनुसार पूजा की जाती है और कथा का श्रवण किया जाता है. पति की दीर्घायु की कामना करते हुए कथा सुनने के बाद करवा पर हाथ घुमाकर अपनी सासुजी के पैर छूकर आशीर्वाद लेते हैं और उन्हें करवा भेंट करते हैं. रात्रि में चन्द्रमा निकलने के बाद चन्द्रमा को अर्घ्य देते हैं इसके बाद पति से आशीर्वाद पाकर व्रत पूर्ण होता है.करवा चौथ के व्रत ने बाजारीकरण को कि
Official Name | Karwa Chauth |
Observed by | Hindu Women |
Tradition/ Religion | Hinduism |
Famous places | India |
Month | Fourth day of the waning moon fortnight (Krishna paksha) in the month of Kartik |
Related To | Dussehra and Diwali |
2019 Date | 17, October, Thursday |
2020 Date | 4, November, Wednesday |
Latest Mehandi Designs For Karva Chauth
All unique and trendy mehndi designs provided by me in this post. You can use all these mehndi designs according to your choice and can give a new look to your hand.
You can easily download these images. Read this post carefully this post won’t disappoint you.
(I) Front Hand Mehndi Design
- Unique Karva Chauth Mehndi Designs – This design is perfect for all girls who want to wear unique Karva Chauth mehndi designs. It is the latest Karva Chauth design for full hand.

2. Front Hand Arabic Mehndi Design – This is the full hand Arabic mehndi design. This design is best for all functions and festivals. It is not difficult to apply this design but this design takes time.

3. Karva Mehndi Design – You should try this type of mehndi design on Karva Chauth.

4. Latest Mehndi Design – It is the simple mehndi design for Karva Chauth. All girls and women can wear this mehndi design. This design gives your hand an amazing look.

5. Flower with Peacock Design – This design is looking very beautiful. There are peacock and flower pattern in this design. If you want to beautify your hand you should try this mehndi design.

6. Scenes of Karva Chauth mehndi designs – In this mehndi design, all scene of the Karva Chauth is captured. If you are a lover of mehndi designs then it is the perfect option for you. Apply this mehndi design and beautify your hand.

7. Full Hand Design – Most of the women want to apply full hand mehndi design on festivals. Then this design is perfect for all women who want to wear full hand mehndi design. It is the best bridal mehndi design.

8. Simple Mehndi Design For Karva Chauth- This mehndi design is best for all casual functions and festivals.

9. Full hand Peacock pattern – This peacock pattern mehndi design gives your hand a new attractive look and helps to beautify your hand.

10. Karva Simple Mehndi Design – This design is perfect for all girls who want to wear unique Karva Chauth mehndi designs. It is the latest Karva Chauth design for full hand.

(II) Back hand Mehndi Design
1. Flower with Chain Pattern – It is the latest mehndi design for Teej. Chain Pattern is in trend. If you also want to apply chain pattern mehndi design then you should try this design on this Teej festival.

2. Heena Mehndi Design – This flower pattern mehndi design is looking very beautiful. You can easily apply this mehndi design. It is very less time-consuming mehndi design.

3. Dubai Style Mehndi Designs For Karva Chauth – This design is looking very simple but it looks very beautiful on the hand. You should try this design. It gives a royal look to your hand.

4. Back Hand Arabic Mehndi Design – This backhand Arabic mehndi design is looking very beautiful. You can apply this design on your hand at this festival.

5. Rose Pattern Design For Karva Chauth – It is a simple and less time consuming Arabic mehndi design for Karva Chauth. You can easily apply this design at home.This henna mehndi design is different from other designs.

6. Back Hand Arabic Mehndi Design – This backhand Arabic mehndi design is looking very beautiful. You can apply this design on your hand at this festival.

7. Peacock pattern with forefinger – This peacock pattern mehndi design gives your hand a new attractive look and helps to beautify your hand.

8. Full Hand Design – Most of the women want to apply full hand mehndi design on festivals. Then this design is perfect for all women who want to wear full hand mehndi design. It is the best bridal mehndi design.

(III) Karva Chauth Leg Mehndi Designs
1. Mehndi Design For Leg – An intricate leg mehndi design with all the motifs and peacock pattern of a modern bridal mehndi. It is the best bridal mehndi designs for legs.

2. New Mehndi Design – It is the latest bridal mehndi design for legs. The check pattern in this design makes your leg more attractive in your wedding.

3. Arabic Foot Mehndi Design – This is the best Arabic mehndi design for Teej. Anyone can easily apply this mehndi design themselves. This mehndi design is also less time-consuming. It is very simple mehndi design for feet.
You can easily download this Arabic mehndi image from here.

4. Mehndi Design – It is the leg mehndi designs for Karva Chauth. This pattern gives your leg a new attractive look and helps to beautify your leg.

Some tips for getting dark color of your Mehndi
Apply mehndi oil:- After washing your hand, apply mehndi oil to your hands. Oil helps to dark the color of your mehndi. You can also use vicks in replace of mehndi oil.
Washing hand before applying mehndi:- Wash your hand with soap before you sit down to mehndi.
Let your mehndi dry completely:- If you will not let your mehndi dry completely when your hand will move your mehndi design will be smudged.
Apply a mixture of sugar and lemon juice:- When your mehndi has dried completely you should apply a mixture of sugar and lemon juice. This mixture will help you to get a dark color of your mehndi.
Take the smoke of cloves:- The smoke of heated cloves helps you to darken the color of your mehndi.
Stay away your mehndi hands from water:- After applying the mehndi on your hands, you should keep the distance for some time from water. If it is possible there is a gap of one night for removing the dried form of mehndi from your hand.
I hope you will like all the information that is provided by me in this post ” Mehndi Design for Karva Chauth”.
Let me know what type of mehndi design are you going to apply on your hand on this Karva Chauth by commenting down. If there is any mistake or any kind of feedback then comment below.
You can easily download these all designs from here.
Share the article with your friends and relatives if you think this article can be beneficial for your friends and family.
Check out Teej – Meaning, How to Celebrate, and Mehndi Designs For Teej in 2022
What type of design is in trend?
Mandala design and chain pattern design.
What type of design is best for Teej?
Designs I mentioned in my article.